
Auto Glass Services

Call for pricing: (231) 943-2912

Chip Repair

A damaged windshield looks terrible and impedes your vision on the road. Getting it fixed is simple, especially if the damage is contained to a small area. A quick chip repair may be all you need.

Windshield Installation

Our techs are able to replace your windshield fast and efficiently. We work with most insurances along with local bodyshops to ensure the repair is quick and easy.

Mobile Services

Need us to come to you? No problem. Just give us a call and we’ll run out to your location as long as it’s in the Grand Traverse Area. If you need service during emergency hours, check our contact page for more information.


When glass breaks it can be quite messy. It’s important to clean it up right away to prevent further injury and allow you to get back in your vehicle.

Door Glass

We do more than just windshield repair. We can repair your door windows as well. Manual, or automatic windows, doesn’t matter. Whatever windows you need replaced, we can handle it.


We’ve become experts at re-calibrating anti-collision camera electronics and can do this easily when we repair your windshield.


Have a leak in one of your window seals? No problem. We have the tools and materials to quickly patch you up, get you back on the road, and keep you dry and warm.

Reattach Defrost Tabs

Defrosters can sometimes fail due to the tabs coming loose from the rest of the defrosting lines and equipment. We have the tools and expertise to re-attach these tabs, restoring your defrosting features.

Rear-View Mirror Attachment

The rear-view mirror is held to your windshield by a special epoxy. Sometimes, due to heat, cold, and other conditions, this epoxy can fail, and you no longer have a key mirror in place. We can re-attach these mirrors for you.

Anti-Collision Camera Recalibration

Many anti-collision camera systems rely directly on windshield placement. As a result, we’ve become experts at re-calibrating this equipment when we repair windows and windshields.

Exterior Mirrors

Mirrors that sit outside the vehicle can be damaged or broken for a variety of reasons. They’re essential to your driving safety and the safety of others. We are able to repair your external mirrors quickly to get you back on the road.

(Note: We only replace the mirror piece itself, not the entire housing)